Design Futures is a strategic and practical course, where you will learn how to create views of future and strategic paths for your business through technological, economic emergencies, and the behavioural perspective of society.

You will exercise the creation of desirable futures (and avoid undesirable ones), with the aim of designing a possible and at the same time positive, inclusive and strategic reality for corporations, governmental bodies, small enterprises and civil society.

We are living in the most disruptive time of our era. All we thought was the status quo entered into a state of suspension. Thinking about your product, service, organisation and policy from NOW ON, based on what is emerging, since we are at this liminal moment now, is crucial for executives, leaders and managers, as well as for designers and creatives.

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Juliana Proserpio

Echos Chief Designer

Officer & Founder

Ricardo Ruffo

Echos CEO & Founder

Check out the complete journey of the course:

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Our approach combines the best of business strategies, futurism and emerging technologies with the best of human-centred design, from an ethical and inclusive perspective when building new possibilities for the future.

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  • 7 meetings of up to 3 hours, all live
  • Echos Certificate
  • Access to the global network of Echos innovators, with thousands of people from around the world.
  • Access to the platform for 6 months
  • Original Echos content and download of all the tools used throughout the journey

Echos is a desirable futures lab driven by design. We have been working for more than ten years to transform realities by applying tools and the design mindset at the intersection between business and people.

Echos Desirable Futures Lab

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